Ardfallen Medical Centre, Douglas Rd.

  Contact : (021) 496 3792 / (021) 496 3065

Free Antenatal care

We provide shared antenatal care with your obstetrician. Routine checks in pregnancy include baby heart checks, assessment of size and position of the baby, blood pressure and urine testing.

All maternity visits are free of charge under the Maternity and Infant Scheme. This Scheme includes between 6 and 7 antenatal visits during your pregnancy, while also encompassing a 2 week check for your baby and a six week check for you and your baby.

Below a schedule of antenatal visits is outlined for you information.
Schedule of ante natal visits under the Maternity and Infant Care Scheme

Number of weeks pregnant GP Visit Hospital/Obstetrician Visit
Before 12 weeks
Before 20 weeks
24 weeks
28 weeks * Unless 1st pregnancy * (in case of first pregnancy)
30 weeks
32 Weeks
34 Weeks
36 weeks
37 Weeks
38 Weeks
39 weeks
40 Weeks
After Birth of Baby
2 Weeks post natal
(for baby)
6 weeks post natal

(for both mum and baby)


This schedule may change where for example the patient suffers from a major condition (e.g. hypertension/diabetes)